
Final Questionnaire

Here is my  questionnaire . I believe that my survey met the expectations of the people who commissioned me to create this survey. The first section focuses on figuring out the type of people who visit the website, as this is the first purpose. The second purpose is to find out if they are satisfied with the information displayed on the website, and how it is displayed. The second section focuses on figuring out whether the respondents were satisfied with the appearance of the website, and what they think could improve it. I also asked if they found the site easy to understand or if the design was too complicated. The third section of the survey focuses on figuring out if the respondents found it easy to navigate the website, and if they were satisfied with how the website can be used. I also asked them how the site could be improved in this regard. I decided to use likert scales in the survey to measure people's satisfaction regarding the site's appearance a

Pilot Survey

Once I finished my draft, I prepared to send out my pilot survey. A pilot survey is a draft you send out to a small percentage of your target population. Pilot surveys are conducted to ensure the survey is accurate and to evaluate different aspects of it such as duration, difficulty, and such. I sent my pilot survey around to five people and looked over their responses regarding the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the survey. I asked them these questions: I had to make a few changes to some questions. For example, I realized that I should not have made this question compulsory to answer since only people who are new to the site should answer this question. Another change I made was deleting unnecessary questions. I deleted the question pictured below because it is biased and does not give the respondent two different choices (yes and no). All of the answers are affirmative. I also had the respondents tell me how long it took for them to complete the survey to

Desk Review + Finishing My Survey

Today I worked on my pilot survey and I finished writing all of my questions. I went through my desk review to analyze my questionnaire to check if it is ready to be sent around. Desk reviews help me identify what needs to be written or fixed. It assists me in checking for bias in my questions, and to see if all of them are relevant and meets the purpose of the survey and the needs of the people who asked me to do this survey.

Structure and Design of my Survey Questions

I am starting to develop my survey questions to fit the audience of a site such as the Greymouth High School website. I have the link to the document here:  Survey Questions . I will add a link to the first draft of my survey here:  First Draft I also created an infographic about how to design surveys. 

AS91263 - Types Of Questions

AS91263 — Types of Questions When I am designing my survey I needed to think about... Open and Closed Questions Closed Questions Avoids overlap of numeric categories Provides all alternatives Is specific Includes everyone Order of questions may influence responses Open Questions Asks only one question at a time. Uses correct grammar and simple language. Non-biased questions Not personal and/or upsetting Easy to answer; short Use both open and closed questions to get a range of responses from people.     One of my objectives is to find out the kinds of people who visited the website. Personal information (excl. home address, card information, SSN) Age range/group Ethnicity Gender Connection to the school Personal income If they are domestic or international The next objective is to find out their satisfaction... Using the Likert Scale Why they feel that way Were they able to find what they were looking for? The next objective

AS91236 - Questionnaire Design

This is a scenario for my Maths assessment on Questionnaire Design. I have been commissioned to look at the Greymouth High School website and the principal wants me to find out: the kinds of people who visit the school website their reasons for visiting the school website the parents/students' satisfaction with the information available on the school website their satisfaction with the services the school offers I figured out the possible purposes of a school website:

10MAN - Food

Words & Phrases Describing flavour     味道  Wèidào - taste/flavour  辣  Là - spicy 甜  Tián - sweet 酸  Suān - sour 咸  Xián - salty  苦  Kǔ - bitter  Fruit 西瓜 Xīguā  Watermelon 草莓 Cǎoméi  Strawberry  苹果  Píngguǒ  Apple 香蕉 Xiāngjiāo  Banana 桔子 Júzi  Orange 樱桃 Yīngtáo  Cherry  甜瓜 Tiánguā  Melon 芒果 Mángguǒ  Mango 菠萝 Bōluó  Pineapple 桃子 Táozi  Peach Vegetables  西兰花 Xī lánhuā Broccoli  菜花 Càihuā Cauliflower 生菜 Shēngcài Lettuce 黄瓜 Huángguā  Cucumber 白蘿蔔 Bái luóbo  White Radish 青豆仁 Qīngdòu rén Green Bean Kernel  西红柿 Xīhóngshì Tomato  Meat/Seafood  土豆  Tǔdòu Potato 胡萝卜/紅蘿蔔 Húluóbo/Hóng luóbo Carrot 洋葱 Yángcōng Onion 豆 Dòu Bean 菠菜 Bōcài Spinach 洋菇 Yáng gū Mushroom 南瓜 Nánguā Pumpkin Condiments  醋 Cù Vinegar 太白粉 Tài báifěn Cornstarch 黑胡椒 Hēi hújiāo Black pepper 水 Shuǐ Water 料酒 Liàojiǔ Cooking Wine 面粉 Miànfěn Flour 绍兴酒 Shàoxīngjiǔ  Shaoxing wine  酱油  Jiàngyóu Soy sauce  糖 Táng Sugar  盐 (塩) Yán (yán)